12V battery and mounting, 12V battery and installation components
Active chassis
AD Separation Switch (ADSS)
Amplifier (AUD)
Antenna system
Autonomous drive ECU´s, ECUs for autonomous driving
Battery cable
BECM, BDU and MSD Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Busbars with fittings, Busbars with installation components Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Busbars with installation components, Busbars with fittings
Cable harness
Cable harness dashboard
Cable harness floor section
Cable harness front bumper
Cable harness front door
Cable harness high voltage charge inlet
Cable harness high voltage motor compartment Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Cable harness high voltage motor, rear
Cable harness rear axle
Cable harness rear bumper
Cable harness rear door
Cable harness roof
Cable harness tailgate
Cable harness, low voltage, high voltage battery, Low voltage cable harness, high voltage battery
Cable harness, tunnel
Cell modules, high voltage battery Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Cell modules, high voltage battery
Centre Console Display
Charging cable high voltage
Collision warning
Combined instrument
Connector, Housings and terminals
Converter and charger
Cooling system, high voltage battery
Exterior sound system
Foot movement detection
Front Power Distribution (FPD)
Fuse box, main battery
Fuses and relays
Graphic Head Up Display
Headlamps, Headlights
High-voltage battery and installation components, High voltage battery and installation components
Horn and mounting
Infotainment Head Unit (IHU)
Inverter High Voltage Front Axle (IHFA) Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Inverter High Voltage Rear Axle (IHRA) Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Lighting inner
Lighting rear
Low Power Controller (LPC)
Low voltage cable harness, high voltage battery, Cable harness, low voltage, high voltage battery Transmission: 1EDT AWD
Mobile telephone
Park assist front
Park assist rear
Parking assistance camera PAC360
Position sensor, headlamp levelling
Rear window wiper
Remote control key system
Repair kit Ethernet
Repair kit srs
Safe stop distribution box
Sensor for check and warning system
Smart power distributor
Steering wheel stalks
Switch doors
Switch other
Switch seat heater
Switch steering wheel
Vehicle Connectivity Module
Washer equipment, front
Washer equipment, rear
Windshield wipers, windscreen wipers
Wiper and washer equipment, headlamps